Casino is a small rural community south of Trail on the west side of the Columbia River. A school was established to serve the children in the area in 1938 with 14 pupils in attendance. The school was closed in June, 1957 and the pupils were transferred to Central School. The building is now used as a community hall for the residents of Casino.

A black and white photograph of the interior of Casino School, featuring an early 20th-century classroom setting. Wooden desks arranged in neat rows face the teacher's desk at the front, where a young student sits, adding a personal touch to the scene. The room is heated by a prominent wood-burning stove near the center, a common fixture of the time. Large windows with diamond-shaped panes provide ample natural light, reflecting off the wooden floors. Educational posters and a world globe suggest a focus on geography and history, while the room's high ceiling and dark wood cabinetry exude a sense of the era's educational environment. The simplicity and order of the classroom highlight the utilitarian approach to education of that period.

Casino School