Trail High School
The Trail High School was opened in 1923 with grades 9 to 11 attending. When opened, it was called the Trail Technical School. Previously, students in these grades attended Central School. In 1926, grade 12 was added to the school. The initial enrollment was 90 students. In 1933, three classrooms were added as Trail’s population increased and in 1938-39, four more classrooms were added along with home economic labs, a library, lunchroom, auditorium and gymnasium. The Trail High School would house grades 8 to 12 until the J L Crowe High School was opened in 1951 in East Trail.

Trail Junior High School
When the J L Crowe High School opened in 1951, grades 10 to 12 were transferred from the Trail High School to the new facility. The name of the former high school was changed to the Trail Junior High School with grades 7 to 9 attending. In 1960, the grade 7 classes were transferred to the elementary schools in Trail leaving Trail Jr. with grades 8 and 9.
The school was closed in 1983 and the students transferred to the J L Crowe Secondary School. In 1985, the building was renovated to house the Trail Campus of Selkirk College, Trail and District Arts Council offices, an art gallery, a senior’s centre, Continuing Education services and a community theatre.